Rules for Park and Recreation THE PARKS and Lands OF Bigrock Centerpond Park
1. The use of BIGROCK CENTERPOND PARK shall be limited to the purposes for which they are being preserved and to activities determined by the Bureau to be compatible with the intended use of the facility. Activities which endanger persons or property are prohibited. The removal, molesting, injury or damage of anything natural, physical, prehistorical, or historical within these areas is strictly prohibited except as outlined in section 20 regarding hunting, trapping and firearms.
2. Feeding or touching wild animals found in the PARK IS prohibited. For health and safety reasons, visitors are required to put away food securely and leave picnic areas and campsites clean.
3. Day use areas will be open from 9:00 a.m. to sunset daily, unless posted otherwise due to operational constraints.
4. Use OF METAL detectors are allowed in other areas only by written permit obtained at the park.
5. Intoxicating beverages are not permitted IN DAY use areas, or in the common public areas in campgrounD. Disorderly conduct is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, indecent acts, intoxication or coarse language.
6. Open fires are allowed only in grills or fireplaces provided by the Park. No fires shall be left unattended.
7. Pets must be on a leash under the physical control of the pet handler and must not be left unattended. Pet owners must immediately clean up any fecal deposits left by their pets. Pet owners may be assigned picnic or campsites in a less congested area of the park. THERE WILL BE A 15.00 FEE FOR PETS IN THE CAMPS ONLY.
8. Wheeled vehicles including bicycles ATV'S shall be parked only in places designated for that purpose, conform to posted traffic regulations, be confined to roads and trails specifically designated for their use and otherwise comply with all applicable State laws. Vehicles parked in unauthorized areas may be towed at the vehicle owner's expense. VEHICLE YELLOW TAGS WILL BE VISIBABLE AT ALL TIMES IN WINDSHIELD AND RETURNED TO CONTROL BOOTH AT CHECK OUT.
9. The discharging of wastes, including soaps and detergents, is prohibited except in a receptacle specifically designated for that purpose.
10. All refuse shall be placed in designated containers provided by the PARK. No refuse shall be deposited in any type of toilet facility. At those areas where the Bureau has a carry in/carry out policy, users shall be responsible for carrying out all their refuse.
11. Soliciting is prohibited.
12. Campsite vacancies will be filled either by THE PARK Campsite Reservation System or on a first come, first served basis. All campers must register in person when arriving at the parks control booth campground.
13. The camping day is from 1:00 p.m. until 11:00 a.m. Camping, at THE park, shall be limited to a cumulative total of fourteen (14) nights from the last Saturday in June through the third Saturday in August. Sites may not be left unattended more than two nights. Absences exceeding two nights require prior approval of the Park Manager or designee. The PARK may remove unattended equipment at the equipment owner's expense.
14. Campsite occupancy and use is limited to:
- A minimum of one (1) adult 18 years of age or older per camping party
- A family consisting of up to two (2) adults and any number of their children under 18
- A maximum of six (6) individuals including children, except as set forth in 14b.
- One (1) motor home, trailer, camper van, 28 Ft Maximum is allowed per campsite
- For tent campsites - as many tents as will comfortably fit within the designated site
- Not more than two (2) motor vehicles including the visitor's vehicle
- Picnic table(s) provided at the site by the Park. Moving picnic table(s) from site to site and using one site by several parties is prohibited.
- After 9:00 a.m. by paying the day use fee of $5.00 per person and leaving before 8:00 p.m. Limit one visiting party to a campsite. The total number of people at the campsite will not exceed ten.
17. Trails will be opened and closed by the Bureau as warranted by environmental and safety conditions.
18. The use of chain saws and power equipment is prohibited. Generators may be used between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8 p.m. as long as they do not bother other visitors.
19. Hunting, trapping and firearms:
- All hunting and trapping shall take place in accordance with the laws of the State of Maine, the laws and rules of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, and local ordinances.
- A concealed handgun may be carried by qualifying individuals consistent with the provisions of 12 M.R.S.A. §1803, (7). Open carry is not permitted under this provision.
- The possession and/or use of firearms or weapons is prohibited in all areas between June 1 and Labor Day, except in accordance with 20b above.
- Hunting is not permitted between June 1 and Labor Day at any of the properties listed below
- Bigrock Centerpond Park
- The discharge of any weapon is prohibited from or within 300 feet of any picnic area, camping area or campsite, parking area, building, shelter, boat launch site, posted trail or other developed area.
- Work areas and areas with significant public use may be temporarily posted as closed to hunting by park management in the interest of public safety.
- Baiting of wildlife for the purpose of hunting is prohibited.
- In addition to any criminal and civil sanctions imposed by law, the Bureau may evict any person violating these rules or other State laws or regulations. Bureau employees or their representatives in the official conduct of their duties and in accordance with Bureau policy are exempt from the above rules.
Penalties: Violation of any of these rules, that constitutes a criminal offense as designated in Title 12 MRAS �1806 (4) is a Class-E crime.
Fireworks are prohibited on state property managed by the Bureau of Parks & Lands and Bigrock Centerpond Park Pursuant to Maine Public Law Chapter 416, Sec 5.8 MRSA § 223-A, sub § 8-B
Smoking is prohibited. A person may not smoke tobacco or any other substance in, on or within 20 feet OF PLAYGROUND, group picnic SHELTER, PUBLIC place or restroom in in the PARK PURSUANT to the authority of the Maine Revised Statue Title 22 Subtitle 2 Subchapter 2: SMOKING HEADING: PL 1995, C. 470, §11
Please check with Park Staff for designated smoking areas at this facility.
POLICY - Drone, Unmanned Aircraft (UAS) - The general use of drones (UAS) is prohibited in this PARK, WITHOUT direct oversight and guidance of an approved law enforcement agency or by the issue of a Special Activity Permit. - Thank you for visiting our park